I am facing an issue with AOSP incremental OTA build. If I do an incremental build (without make clean), build completes fast and I get a smaller OTA file, and OTA updates successfully on the target system; BUT the incremental build number of target system remains same. So next time when another OTA is generated and tried to update, it fails, giving error : "package expects build fingerprint of ../../..//.. ". as, incremental build number is part of build fingerprint.
If I do 'make clean' before 'make dist', things work fine; but build time is much more and OTA file is bloated; many packages which are NOT modified are identified as modified by some %, and is added to OTA.
How to increment build number without 'make clean' ?
Thanks in advance.
The problem is with build fingerprint and it's not updated with the incremental build. I have also faced the same issue with buildfingerprint. Just delete below files before starting the intermental build.
rm -rf out/target/product/abc123/system/build*
rm -rf out/target/product/abc123/obj/ETC/system_build_prop_intermediates/
rm -rf out/target/product/abc123/root/
rm -rf out/target/product/abc123/*.img
rm -rf out/target/product/abc123/*.zip
rm -rf out/target/product/abc123/recovery
rm -rf out/target/product/abc123/system/priv-app/
rm -rf out/target/product/abc123/system/app/
rm -rf out/target/product/abc123/obj/PACKAGING/target_files_intermediates/
rm -rf out/target/product/abc123/obj/EXECUTABLES/recovery_*
rm -rf out/target/product/abc123/obj/PACKAGING/
rm -rf out/target/product/abc123/obj/KERNEL_OBJ/.config
Note: Replace "abc123" string with the product name.
Add below changes to override default build.
ifeq ($(BUILD_ID),)
export BUILD_ID=NMF26Q
And set new build id for before starting build.
export BUILD_ID=123 && source build/envsetup.sh && lunch
make dist