While on localhost, I have downloaded Flask-Cors. I tried sending few requests to flask server as the code below the entire code is on github.
unfortunately i can't get any data using POST request.
here is my ELM code.
module Update exposing (update)
import Http
import Json.Decode exposing (..)
import Types exposing (..)
update : Msg -> Model -> (Model, Cmd Msg)
update msg model =
case msg of Username str -> ({ model | loginUserName = str}, Cmd.none)
Password str -> ({ model | loginPassword = str}, Cmd.none)
Login -> (model, login model.loginUserName model.loginPassword)
LoginResult (Ok username) -> ({ model | user = LoggedInUser { userName = username}},
LoginResult (Err _) -> (model, Cmd.none)
Logout -> (model, Cmd.none)
login : String -> String -> Cmd Msg
login username password =
let url = ""
request = Http.get url decodeLogin
in Http.send LoginResult request
decodeLogin: Decoder String
decodeLogin = at ["username"] string
-- Or
--decodeLogin : Decoder String
--decodeLogin = decodeString (field "username" string)
The rest of the code is at Github
Here is my Flask endpoint for the API
@app.route("/api/user/login/", methods=["GET", "POST"])
def login(*args, **kwargs):
print 'Got request for login'
print args
print kwargs
print request.args
print request.args.get("username")
print request.values.get("username")
print request.method
print request.form['username']
response = {'username': 'Erik'}
dict = request.args
for key in dict:
print 'form key ' + dict[key]
return jsonify(response)
The rest of this code is also at this link
It looks like your server is expecting the body of the POST to be in multiple key=val
format, rather than in JSON. You can use multipartBody
to achieve this:
import Http exposing (..)
login : String -> String -> Cmd Msg
login username password =
let url = ""
body =
[ stringPart "username" username
, stringPart "password" password
request = Http.post url body decodeLogin
in Http.send LoginResult request