I am trying to convert the following SQL Server expression into a visibility expression in SSRS for a certain textbox that contains an error message:
select address, commonPlaceName, municipality where @Location not like '$[0-9]%'
My SSRS report lets users search for @Location, which is a combination of the address and commonPlaceName and returns a table of records.
I am trying to limit the number of rows returned based on both the character length and whether the parameter value supplied contains a number.I want to show an error message when they search for a common place or address without a number that says "Sorry your search was too broad so the number of records has been limited".
I got the length part to work by using the following:
But I can't figure out how to search for a number in a string
For those interested, in the SQL script, I am setting the rowcount based on a case statement that parallels the visibility options I am trying to set in SSRS.
I am still learning SSRS so any help is much appreciated!
Below is the SQL statement I am using to limit rowcount if that helps:
declare @top int
set @top = case when len(@Location) <= 5 then 100
when @Location not like '%[0-9]%' then 100
when len(@Location) >5 then 0
set rowcount @top
Okay I think I found a workaround for now. I ended up creating a new dataset:
'LocationWithNum' = case
when @Location like '%[0-9]%' then 'true'
else 'false'
Then I changed the visibility expression of the error message textbox to the following:
=iif(len(Parameters!Location.Value)<=5 or First(Fields!LocationWithNum.Value, "LocationWithNum") = false, false, true)
So far this seems to work well. Let me know if you guys think of anything else!