I'm stuck putting all of the above together. I'll appreciate if I can get any input.
Here's my short setup:
typealias RealmObject = Object
/// Extension to ignore undefined keys when mapping
extension RealmObject : EVReflectable {
open override func setValue(_ value: Any?, forUndefinedKey key: String) { }
Sample Realm models:
class Product: RealmObject {
dynamic var productId: String = ""
let productLanguages = List<ProductLanguage>()
override static func primaryKey() -> String? {
return "productId"
class ProductLanguage: RealmObject {
dynamic var productLanguageId: String = ""
dynamic var languageCode: String = ""
dynamic var productName: String = ""
override static func primaryKey() -> String? {
return "productLanguageId"
To fetch product details I use Moya and RxSwift:
func getProduct(productItemKey: String) -> Observable<Product> {
return provider.request(.product(productId: productItemKey)).map(to: Product.self)
I think .map(to: Product.self)
does not work with realm Lists out of the box. For each object inside the list I get an error:
ERROR: Could not create an instance for type
CreateDate = "2015-10-12T11:11:50.013Z";
IngredientList = "Acao ingredient";
LanguageCode = "en-US";
ProductId = "d6bb0084-6838-11e5-9225-00ac14ef2300";
ProductLanguageId = "f96848d0-df77-4594-99b7-d390bb127891";
ProductName = Acao;
Tagline = "The smart drink - 100% organic, vegan energy booster with guara"
Is there any other way to map Moya response into Realm objects?
Thank you very much for any input!
Turns out it was a bug in EVReflection. Fixed in 4.17.0