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images not showing on twitter - ERROR: Fetching the page failed because the request timed out

This is the url of my website and I am getting

ERROR: Fetching the page failed because the request timed out.

When try it on

I try each and every fix mention on different websites, but didn't get success.

Check this for all metas

I get in touch with twittercommunity and they say my apache config are not right and and the problem is

The “other errors” is most commonly an SSL misconfiguration. In the case of your server I’m seeing SSL3 alert read:warning:unrecognized name which indicates you have an error similar to this one which was also linked in the troubleshooting post.

So I run apachectl configtest to test my apache config and the result is

Syntax OK

I check my website for SSL on SSLLABS

I tried with the step mention here but still no success.

Can anyone guide me more. I am using AWS EC2 ubuntu with AWS S3 for images.


  • 1) First of all try to debug your SSL, by the following command

    openssl s_client -servername <hostname> -connect <hostname>:443 -state

    if it print this message:

    SSL3 alert read: warning:unrecognized name

    2) then try to add


    in your /etc/apache2/sites-available/default-ssl.conf or in virtual host file

    3) then restart apache server by

    sudo service apache2 restart