I am creating a website with the Commission Junction links,. Now I need to process the commission reports for dividing the commissions. I am planning to use Daily Publisher Commission Service as it provides a provision for including the date in the request. Now I am not able to do a purchase through the CJ link and so I am using a sample query that has given in CJ site itself. I am new to these wbservices and so have some doubts here.
The actual respone will be exactly same as the one given. I mean will it includes the <soapenv:Envelope
things or it is begin with just the ns1.???
I have assigned the response to a variable $result and give
but it is showing the error that ns1 is not defined in namespace. Then I have given the <soapenv:Envelope
things to the top. Now the error has gone. But the result_xml variable is blank .
Please help me if someone has done it before. or please suggest me some good tutorials so that I can learn and do it. It will be much helpful if someone can give the complete sample response and so I can check the code with it.
Thanks in Advance.
An XML response to a SOAP request will be something like:
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
<findPublisherCommissionsResponse xmlns="http://api.cj.com">
<out xmlns="http://api.cj.com">
<publisherCommissions xmlns="http://transaction.service.cj.com">
<ns1:PublisherCommissionV2 xmlns:ns1="http://transaction.domain.cj.com">
<actionStatus xmlns="http://transaction.domain.cj.com">
<actionType xmlns="http://transaction.domain.cj.com">
<adId xmlns="http://transaction.domain.cj.com">
<advertiserId xmlns="http://transaction.domain.cj.com">
<advertiserName xmlns="http://transaction.domain.cj.com">
Merchant UK ltd
<commissionAmount xmlns="http://transaction.domain.cj.com">
<country xmlns="http://transaction.domain.cj.com">
<eventDate xmlns="http://transaction.domain.cj.com">
<lockingDate xmlns="http://transaction.domain.cj.com">
<orderId xmlns="http://transaction.domain.cj.com">
<original xmlns="http://transaction.domain.cj.com">
<originalActionId xmlns="http://transaction.domain.cj.com">
<postingDate xmlns="http://transaction.domain.cj.com">
<sId xmlns="http://transaction.domain.cj.com">
<saleAmount xmlns="http://transaction.domain.cj.com">
<transactionId xmlns="http://transaction.domain.cj.com">
<websiteId xmlns="http://transaction.domain.cj.com">
<sortBy xmlns="http://transaction.service.cj.com">
<totalResults xmlns="http://transaction.service.cj.com">
You maybe having issues parse the xml response into a SimpleXml Object because SimpleXML doesn't like colons (:) in the tag and attribute names SOAP & SimpleXML. Also check here SimpleXML & Namespaces
Your SOAP request should already be an object so I am uncertain as to why you are trying to parse it using SimpleXML. If you need the response as XML then you could always use a serializer.
In my own script as an example I use something like this:
//code here $cj_devkey = "CJ KEY HERE";
$ini = ini_set( "soap.wsdl_cache_enabled", "0" );
$client = new SoapClient( "https://pubcommission.api.cj.com/wsdl/version2/publisherCommissionServiceV2.wsdl", array(
'trace' => true,
'proxy_host' => "proxy"
) );
$object = $client->findPublisherCommissions( array(
"developerKey" => $cj_devkey,
"date" => '08/28/2009',
"dateType" => 'event',
"advertiserIds" => '',
"websiteIds" => '123456',
"actionStatus" => '',
"actionTypes" => 'sale',
"adIds" => '',
"countries" => 'all',
"correctionStatus" => 'all',
"sortBy" => '',
"sortOrder" => ''
) );
A sample response using print_r($object) will return :
stdClass Object
[out] => stdClass Object
[publisherCommissions] => stdClass Object
[PublisherCommissionV2] => stdClass Object
[actionStatus] => closed
[actionType] => sale
[adId] => 123123213
[advertiserId] => 2313531
[advertiserName] => MERCHANT HERE
[commissionAmount] => 25
[country] =>
[eventDate] => 2009-08-28T20:30:44-07:00
[lockingDate] => 2009-09-10T00:00:00-07:00
[orderId] => 123123
[original] => 1
[originalActionId] => 123123
[postingDate] => 2009-08-28T23:30:03-07:00
[sId] => sports
[saleAmount] => 25
[transactionId] => 12312312
[websiteId] => 123123
[sortBy] =>
[totalResults] => 1
If you want to traverse the object elements you can use stuff like:
$num_results = $object->out->totalResults;
or loop through each commission payment with stuff like:
foreach ( $object->out->publisherCommissions as $commission ) {
$user_id = $commission->{'sId'};
$transaction_id = $commission->{'transactionId'};
$program_id = $commission->{'advertiserId'};
$post_date = $commission->{'postingDate'};
$action_status = $commission->{'actionStatus'};
$amount = $commission->{'commissionAmount'};