I am using RE-Mote Development Board along with Contiki-OS. I am interfacing it with Adafruit BNO055 Absolute Orientation Sensor.
I want particularly:
I did some digging in and found out that the printf
in Contiki is Board dependent and not many boards have floating point printing implementation. source
However this might become critical for creating a CoAP Resource because when returning data the code uses snprintf
The snippet:
/*GET Method*/
"title=\"BNO055 Euler\";rt=\"bno055\"",
static void res_get_handler(void *request, void *response, uint8_t *buffer,
uint16_t preferred_size, int32_t *offset) {
adafruit_bno055_vector_t euler_data = getVector(VECTOR_EULER);
double eu_x = euler_data.x;
double eu_y = euler_data.y;
double eu_z = euler_data.z;
unsigned int accept = -1;
REST.get_header_accept(request, &accept);
if(accept == -1 || accept == REST.type.TEXT_PLAIN) {
/*PLAIN TEXT Response*/
REST.set_header_content_type(response, REST.type.TEXT_PLAIN);
// >>>>>>>>>>will snprintf create a problem? <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
snprintf((char *)buffer, REST_MAX_CHUNK_SIZE, "%lf, %lf, %lf",eu_x,eu_y, eu_z,);
REST.set_response_payload(response, (uint8_t *)buffer, strlen((char *)buffer));
} else if (accept == REST.type.APPLICATION_JSON) {
REST.set_header_content_type(response, REST.type.APPLICATION_JSON);
// >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>same question here.. <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
snprintf((char *)buffer, REST_MAX_CHUNK_SIZE, "{'bno055_eu':{ 'X':%f, 'Y':%f, 'Z':%f}}",
eu_x, eu_y, eu_z);
REST.set_response_payload(response, buffer, strlen((char *)buffer));
} else {
REST.set_response_status(response, REST.status.NOT_ACCEPTABLE);
const char *msg = "Only text/plain and application/json";
REST.set_response_payload(response, msg, strlen(msg));
I have tried the above mentioned Resource Code and setup a CoAP Server but I get
plain-text response:
, , ,
json response:
{'bno055_eu: { 'X': , 'Y': , 'Z': }}
the struct
typedef struct {
double x;
double y;
double z;
What would be an optimal way to create a GET CoAP Resource with floating point response?
@eugene-nikolaev I am just playing by the examples available. I am not sure what you mean but I think set_payload_response() function might not take the values of double. If you can give me a hint as to how to proceed I can try it out.
I am not very experienced in C so I cannot' show you a good snippet. But you're casting your buffer to (uint8_t) and for sure set_payload_response acquires binary payload.
It would be like (I note again - it could be not too correct):
REST.set_response_payload(response, (uint8_t *) &euler_data, sizeof(adafruit_bno055_vector_t));
But it will work only for your else
In a classical meaning of CoAP I am used to send a binary payload or CBOR-encoded payload, and parse it on the other side in the similar cases. It all depends on what are your CoAP peers and what do you want to achieve.
UPD: Regarding the plaintext/json branches - I'd advise you to check which range/precision of values your module provides. Maybe there is no big point to use double as @Lundin said.
Also, do you really need plain-text and json format?