I want to use python API to create a User and project, assign that user to the project created and then allocate certain quota. I can't find documentation for this. What is the best way to do these tasks using code (cant do it with CLI).
Error : 'Proxy' object has no attribute 'v2'
from openstack import connection
import openstack
conn = connection.Connection(auth_url="https://example.com/v2.0",
password="test", verify=False)
Documentation URL : https://developer.openstack.org/sdks/python/openstacksdk/users/proxies/identity_v2.html
I have not tried openstack user/domain/project creation using python directly. But the openstack cli in turn uses the python APIs only.
The CLI command actually imports the python module 'openstackclient'.
So digging further into this may help you.
The default location where openstack client installed is