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Marshal Unmanaged Unicode String in COM Task Allocator Memory to SecureString

I an working with API calls to advapi32.dll for managing Windows Saved Credentials in order to automate certain windows applications which can use saved credentials, which is working fine.

I am trying to update my code to use SecureString for password throughout, as I have no need to interact with the text contained in passwords at any point so it should be more secure if my application never holds the password in plain text.

I am able to marshal a SecureString to COM task allocator memory to pass to the API calls with:

var unmanagedPassword = Marshal.SecureStringToCoTaskMemUnicode(userCredential.Password);

However, when it comes to reading that information back into the application, I cannot find a way to marshal such an unmanaged string back into a SecureString without copying the string into managed memory, be it as a string or byte array.

Is there a safe way to do this that I am overlooking?


  • Big thanks to Jeroen Mostert for his comments which lead to this solution, which should be about as safe as is possible.

    As Jeroen described, each character is read as a short and appended to a new SecureString one at a time.

    Unmanaged strings in Task Allocator memory are null terminated, hence reading characters until getting 0. Unmanaged binary strings are length prefixed and so would require a slight modification of the code below.

        var outString = new SecureString();
        var ptr = Marshal.SecureStringToCoTaskMemUnicode(outString);
        var inString = new SecureString();
        var i = 0;
        short c;
        while ((c = Marshal.ReadInt16(ptr, i)) != 0)
            i += 2;