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Working with objects in a calabash-cucumber

In the process of studying calabash-cucumber for testing mobile applications, the question arose how to work with objects. For testing took the application iOS, and here is one of the Activites has 4 questions and 3 answers to each question. To pass to the next Activiti, you need to answer these questions, and the answer is a checkmark of the option opposite the question. The picture looks like this:

|1|0|0| or |1|0|0|
|0|1|0| or |1|0|0|
|0|0|1| or |1|0|0|
|1|0|0| or |0|0|1|

1 - the selected option (check-box);

0 - not selected field.

There are no bindings to the button - neither ID nor text. We have to find it by coordinates. And here's the question: how to set an object (button) with given coordinates, and then pass it a method (for example, object.touch(x, y)) in the body of the step? There was an interest to check all the combinations, and there are 81 of them (in the steps it is very much) - it would be easier with the objects (you can write a counter for busting). Here are my attempts, but they do not work:

class Tapper
    def tap(x, y)
        perform_action('click_on_screen', x, y)
        #or touch(nil, {:offset => {:x => x.to_i, :y => y.to_i}})

Then /^I touch on screen $/ do |x, y|
    @answer_1_1 =
    @answer_1_1.tap(802, 153)

The result is either:

undefined step


undefined method 'perform_action' for Object


  • Calabash x-platform allows you to implement classes and object.