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DotNet Pack Not Doing Anything

I am trying to create a nuget package for my web application but it is not producing any .nupkg outputs. I am using Visual Studio 2017 15.3.0.

To create the project I do the following:

  • File - New - Project,
  • Visual C# - Web,
  • Asp.Net Core Web Application,
  • Web Application

Then I go to a command prompt in the directory with the csproj file in and type: "Dotnet Pack"

I get only the following output:

Microsoft (R) Build Engine version 15.3.409.57025 for .NET Core Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

But no nuget packages are created. I am expecting something like:

Producing Nuget Package "App.1.0.0" for App

Do I need to do anything else eg to the csproj file ?


  • Web applications are not packable by default. To change this, modify your csproj file to include this property:


    Note that as of now (2017) there isn't a good story for "library web projects" or web project packages that work for all scenarios you would want to use a NuGet package for. But this property will at least unblock producing a package.