I can't quite figure out how to obtain in my React front the same result I get from my api in Postman.
for context I send a json formatted call of this nature :
"bagel": false,
"pretzel": false,
"curry": true,
"wurst": "true",
and I recieve the same sort of thing :
"bagelavailability": false,
"pretzelavailability": false,
"curryavailability": true,
"wurstavailability": "true",
but no matter what I do I can't get to console.log the received API answer.
Here's my current actions.jsx :
function FirstCall(specs) {
return (dispatch) => {
const payload = CallOne.post(specs);
payload.then((response) => {
console.log(response); // undefined !!
if (!response.ok) { // this if is entered but I guess null.ok is false by definition.
dispatch(Notifications.error({ title: 'Message', message: 'error!' }));
this is my call one code :
/* ************************************* */
/* ******** IMPORTS ******** */
/* ************************************* */
import Api from './Api';
const Resource = Api.all('order');
Resource.init = (data) => {
if (data) {
const dataObj = JSON.parse(data);
return {
all: Resource.all,
data() { return dataObj; },
save(...args) {
if (this.data()[Resource.identifier()]) {
return Resource.put(this.data()[Resource.identifier()], this.data(), ...args);
return Resource.post(this.data(), ...args);
one: Resource.one,
url: Resource.url,
return undefined;
/* ************************************* */
/* ******** EXPORTS ******** */
/* ************************************* */
export default Resource;
and here's "API" :
/* ************************************* */
/* ******** IMPORTS ******** */
/* ************************************* */
import 'whatwg-fetch';
import restful, { fetchBackend } from 'restful.js';
/* ************************************* */
/* ******** EXPORTS ******** */
/* ************************************* */
export default restful('http://localhost:8080', fetchBackend(fetch));
Ok so below are the files setup I have to hack through the issue :
The hack I found is to make a reducer for the first call even thought that shouldn't be necessary and via it's success handle grab the response check it out : (better solutions most welcome)
/Redux/EventTypes.jsx :
export default {
/Redux/Reducers/FirstCall.jsx :
import EventTypes from '../EventTypes';
const initialState = {
Document: {},
export default (state = initialState, action) => {
switch (action.type) {
case EventTypes.FIRST_CALL_FULFILLED.type:
return { ...state, Document: action.payload.body() };
return state;
/Redux/Reducers/SecondCall.jsx :
import EventTypes from '../EventTypes';
import actions from '../../Components/CardCollection/actions';
const initialState = {
export default (state = initialState, action) => {
switch (action.type) {
case EventTypes.SECOND_CALL_FULFILLED.type:
const test = action.payload.body();
const val = test.map(data => data.data());
return state;
return state;
/Redux/Reducers/Reducers.jsx :
import { combineReducers } from 'redux';
import FirstCall from './FirstCall';
import SecondCall from './SecondCall';
const reducers = combineReducers({
firstCall: FirstCall,
secondCall: SecondCall,
export default reducers;
/Common/Resources/FirstCall.jsx :
import Api from './Api';
const Resource = Api.all('firstcall');
Resource.init = (data) => {
if (data) {
const dataObj = JSON.parse(data);
return {
all: Resource.all,
data() { return dataObj; },
save(...args) {
if (this.data()[Resource.identifier()]) {
return Resource.put(this.data()[Resource.identifier()], this.data(), ...args);
return Resource.post(this.data(), ...args);
one: Resource.one,
url: Resource.url,
return undefined;
export default Resource;
/Common/Resources/SecondCall.jsx :
import Api from './Api';
const Resource = Api.all('secondcall');
Resource.init = (data) => {
if (data) {
const dataObj = JSON.parse(data);
return {
all: Resource.all,
data() { return dataObj; },
save(...args) {
if (this.data()[Resource.identifier()]) {
return Resource.put(this.data()[Resource.identifier()], this.data(), ...args);
return Resource.post(this.data(), ...args);
one: Resource.one,
url: Resource.url,
return undefined;
export default Resource;
/Components/CardCollection/SearchByType.jsx :
import { connect } from 'react-redux';
import actions from './actions';
import SearchByTypeComponent from './SearchByTypeComponent';
const SearchByType = connect(mapDispatchToProps)(SearchByTypeComponent);
function mapDispatchToProps(dispatch) {
return {
firstCall: payload => dispatch(actions.firstCall(payload)),
export default SearchByType;
/Components/CardCollection/SearchByTypeComponent.jsx :
import React, { Component } from 'react';
const propTypes = {
ExecuteAPIcall: React.PropTypes.func,
class SearchByTypeComponent extends Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
this.generate = this.generate.bind(this);
generate() {
const { ExecuteAPIcall} = this.props;
const payload = {
var1: false,
var2: true,
var3: false,
var4: 'zert',
var5: '',
var6: '',
var7: '',
var8: '',
var9: '',
render() {
return (
<button onClick={this.generate}>Générer</button>
SearchByTypeComponent.propTypes = propTypes;
export default SearchByTypeComponent;
/Components/CardCollection/actions.jsx :
import types from '../../Redux/EventTypes';
import FirstCall from '../../Common/Resources/FirstCall';
import SecondCall from '../../Common/Resources/SecondCall';
function ExecuteAPIcall(specs) {
const payload = FirstCall.post(specs);
return dispatch => dispatch({ ...types.FIRST_CALL, payload });
function ExecuteAPIcallPartTWO(response) {
const payloadToPost = {
var1: 'ohoy',
var2: 'aaha',
var3: 'ouhou',
var4: response,
const payload2 = SecondCall.post(payloadToPost);
() => dispatch =>
const actions = {
export {actions as default};