I'm trying to edit a wordpress permalink like the one here...
echo get_permalink();
This permalink as it is will output...
I'm looking for a way using str_replace() to make the the URL to become...
So as you can see I want to change the middle directory to "NEWDIRECTORY" and also grab the last directory name "mycustompage" and use that as the parameter.
I apologise if this seems easy, I've just started seriously coding with PHP this year at school.
This should do what you're after. I've put the URL in a variable and then exploded it and rebuilt it.
$url = "domain.com/directory/mycustompage/";
$exploded = explode('/', $url);
$newURL = $exploded[0].'/NEWDIRECTORY/?draft='.$exploded[2];
echo $newURL;
Outputs domain.com/NEWDIRECTORY/?draft=mycustompage
as requested