I am new to R and I am working on a script which gets data from a REST API, processes it and saves the outcome locally on the machine. So when I execute the script on my machine it works perfectly fine but when I execute the SAME script on a different machine I get an error("missing where TRUE/FALSE needed" if that helps). I know this is kind of a vague description of the problem but I wouldn't know what else to say besides posting the whole source code... R, RStudio and all the packages are up-to-date. The script doesn't have any parameters.
I am looking for an explaination why the same script works on machine 1 and fails to run on machine 2. Am I missing something R-related which might explain this strange behaviour?
I found the origin of the problem: RStudios locale(check with sessionInfo()) differed on both machines. For some reason the unix time was given in microseconds instead of seconds. I noticed that a function argument was "NA". It seems that the numerical value of that argument was too high und resulted in "NA" which ultimatively resulted in errors.
I used Sys.setlocale("LC_ALL","English") to adjust the settings.