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Meterial 2 md-datepicker-toggle is not a known element

After import MdDatepickerModule and MdNativeDateModule, in my html:

<input mdInput [mdDatepicker]="startPicker" placeholder="Choose a date">
<md-datepicker-toggle mdSuffix [for]="startPicker"></md-datepicker-toggle>
<md-datepicker #startPicker></md-datepicker>

And it has error that: oc-datepicker-toggle is not a known element.


  • <md-datepicker-toggle> was introduced in Material 2.0.0-beta.10. See this CHANGELOG for more details.

    mdDatepickerToggle is now an element < md-datepicker-toggle > with a for property that points to the MdDatepicker instance.

    If you are using an earlier version of Material 2, then using <md-datepicker-toggle> will throw this error. To update to the new version, do the following:

    • In your package.json, change "@angular/material" and "@angular/cdk" version to "2.0.0-beta.10"
    • In your terminal window, navigate to the folder in your project where package.json is located.
    • Run the command npm install

    Here is a working demo using version 2.0.0-beta.10.