phonegap-plugin-push 2.0.0 "PushPlugin"
I updated phonegap-plugin-push to 2.0.0. And on the documentation it says
"As of version 2.0.0 the SENDER_ID parameter has been removed at install time. Instead you put your google-services.json (Android) and/or GoogleService-Info.plist in the root folder of your project and then add the following lines into your config.xml."
So in my config.xml, I have:
And I also created those files to my project folder:
But then I don't know what to write in those two files! I want to write SENDER_ID="1234567" in those files, but in what format?
The doc doesn't have an example for putting in SENDER_ID on those files.
You don't have to write those file on your own!!
In my case, I use FCM to send push notifications and I downloaded them from the FCM portal. Are you using FCM or something else? Anyway, those files have to be downloaded.
Which push service do you use? FCM, Azure,..?
Further, with the push plugin 2.0.0, make sure you use the phonegap versione "cli-7.0.1".