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`coerce` and instantiation of type variables

Consider the following GHCi session:

>:set -XTypeApplications
>import Data.Map.Strict
>import GHC.Exts
>newtype MySet a = MySet (Map a ())
>let member' :: Ord a => a -> MySet a -> Bool; member' = coerce member

<interactive>:21:57: error:
    * Couldn't match representation of type `a0' with that of `()'
        arising from a use of `coerce'
    * In the expression: coerce member
      In an equation for member': member' = coerce member
>let member' :: Ord a => a -> MySet a -> Bool; member' = coerce (member @_ @())

I have a hunch of what's going on here: The type-checker needs to satisfy Coercible (Ord a => a -> Map a b -> Bool) (Ord a => a -> MySet a -> Bool) and isn't able to instantiate b in this constraint to ().

Is there a more elegant way than to do this with -XTypeApplications?

Edit: I'm especially looking for solutions that deal with many occurences of MySet a in the type, for example union :: Ord a => MySet a -> MySet a -> MySet a.


  • member :: Ord a => a -> Map a b -> Bool
    member' :: Ord a => a -> MySet a -> Bool

    GHC needs to accept

    Coercible (Map a b) (MySet a)

    It sees that

    Coercible (MySet a) (Map a ())

    which leaves it needing

    Coercible (Map a ()) (Map a b)

    which leads to

    Coercible () b

    But what is b? It's ambiguous. In this case, it doesn't matter what b is, because by parametricity, member can't possibly care. So it would be perfectly reasonable to choose b ~ () and resolve the coercion trivially. But GHC generally doesn't perform such a parametricity analysis in type inference. I suspect it might be tricky to change that. Most especially, any time the type inference "guesses", there's a risk it might guess wrong and block up inference somewhere else. It's a big can of worms.

    As for your problem, I don't have a good solution. When you have several functions with similar patterns, you can abstract them out, but you'll still face significant annoyance.