Search code examples

How to ignore a specific sheet name?

My code below, it is a combo box on a userform which allows the user to select certain data from other worksheets. My problem is, it also shows my 'Summary' sheet as a selectable option. How do I get it to show all worksheets in list index excluding the 'summary' worksheet?

Private Sub cmb_copycontact_Change()
If cmb_copycontact.ListIndex <> -1 Then

        With ActiveWorkbook.Sheets(cmb_copycontact.Value)
            txt_MailAdd1.Value = .Range("B21").Value
            txt_mailadd2.Value = .Range("B22").Value
            txt_mailburb.Value = .Range("B23").Value
            cmb_mailstate.Value = .Range("B24").Value
            txt_pcode.Value = .Range("B25").Value
            End With

    End If

End Sub


  • As UGP stated, exclude the Summary Sheet while populating the ComboBox on UserForm.

    Incorporate the following code into your UserForm Initialize Event code.

    Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
    Dim ws As Worksheet
    For Each ws In Worksheets
        If ws.Name <> "Summary" Then
            Me.cmb_copycontact.AddItem ws.Name
        End If
    Next ws
    End Sub