git status
Result is clean.
git checkout fb/booking_interaction
error: The following untracked working tree files would be overwritten by checkout:
Thirdly, try to clear the untracked files. In the specified directory:
git clean -f .
Again, no changes and git checkout fails.
What is the problem?
The issue is due to case sensitivity of the file system.
Looking at the problem. File listing:
> ls
Check that git is set to case-sensitive
> vi .git/config
ignorecase = false
This machine is case sensitive. The machine the change was made on must have been too.
> git log
removeformat.png - renamed from removeFormat.png.
Since I have changed ignorecase, git status now shows the change.
> git status
Untracked files:
(use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed)
Git clean also works as expected
git clean -f .
Removing blockQuote.png
Removing bulletedList.png
I can checkout the other branch without problems.