Search code examples

PHP- mysqli->num_rows always returns 0, Prepared statements

First of all I would like to tell that I have already gone though ALL DUPLICATE questions. and tried the changes suggested there.

As far as now I have already tried changing num_rows to num_rows() And using store_result(); And using affected_rows().

Also calling store_result(); after execute()

I think there might be some other problem which I can't figure out

if ($sucess){
    $stmt2 = $conn->prepare("UPDATE e_eventqueue SET e_urlfil=? WHERE e_id=? 
AND u_id=?");

        echo "true";
        echo $stmt2->num_rows;  // <- this always return 0 even when its not
     echo "rollback";



  • 1st : For update query You need to check affected_rows . not num_rows

    2nd : After execute check like this $row_count= $stmt2->affected_rows; If query executed successfully but no changes in data means it will return 0 .

        echo $stmt2->affected_rows; 

    Affected_rows :

    Affected_rows is for insert,update,delete

    Num_rows :

    Num_rows is for select