I'm new to Rails.
I have a simple controller with a method that triggers a job. I have sidekiq running. When I try to execute it from the console, the output is a series of integers. What does it mean?
class DownloadersController
def email
Jobs.enqueue(:send_download_drive_link, to_address: '[email protected]', drive_url: 'www.google.com')
In my console, I run the following:
[6] pry(main)> x = DownloadersController.new
=> #<DownloadersController:0x007fd2f31a8a88
[7] pry(main)> x.email
=> "a8d82b6be3f8fd74fb230ab9"
What is this hash-looking output? Shouldn't the job be triggered?
Ruby implicitly returns the value of the last expression. In your case it seems to be the id of the queued job.