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Using cryptography with ObjectMapper

I have a class which it is being mapped with ObjectMapper. In the past the mapping worked fine, but a change in the project Architecture made the webservice return fields that were Double to a String with Cryptographed value.

is it possible to decryptograph and cast the webservice field into my class variable during the mapping?

This is what I have today:

class PosicaoConsolidada: Mappable {
    var portifolioBalance: Double!
    var families: [Family]!

    required init?(map: Map) {}

    public func mapping(map: Map) {
        portifolioBalance <- map["pointsBalance"]
        families <- map["fam"]

This is what I imagine to do:

class PosicaoConsolidada: Mappable {
    var portifolioBalance: Double!
    var families: [Family]!

    required init?(map: Map) {}

    public func mapping(map: Map) {
        portifolioBalance <- Double(Decryptor.decrypt(map["pointsBalance"]))
        families <- map["fam"]


  • There are several ways to accomplish the data decryption. ObjectMapper provides the protocol TransformType to deal with data transformations while mapping (reference).


    import ObjectMapper
    class PointsTransform: TransformType {
        typealias Object = Double
        typealias JSON = String
        func transformFromJSON(_ value: Any?) -> Object? {
            guard let encoded = value as? String
                else { return nil }
            // TODO: Replace with decoding logic
            return 239_584.938
        func transformToJSON(_ value: Object?) -> JSON? {
            guard let decoded = value
                else { return nil }
            return "\(decoded)"


    class PosicaoConsolidada: Mappable {
        var portifolioBalance: Double!
        var families: [Family]!
        required init?(map: Map) {}
        public func mapping(map: Map) {
            portifolioBalance <- (map["pointsBalance"], PointsTransform())
            families <- map["fam"]