I have a program that processes an existing FITS file (xbulge-w1.fits
), and saves the processed image to a new FITS (w1_resampled.fits
). I want to copy the header from the original to the new, so that they're in the same coordinates (i.e. galactic).
I'm trying to do it with the following code:
# Open the FITS files as input image and mask
# Process the images
# Rescale image to galactic coordinates and display
# Plot and save median filtered images as png, rescaled to galactic coordinates
# Save as FITS files and close
# Edit FITS headers to recenter images at galactic center
header = fits.getdata('xbulge-w1.fits', header=True)
header['COMMENT'] = 'Resampled with median filtered pixels'
header['IMAGEW'] = 877
header['IMAGEH'] = 901
header['WCSAXES'] = (2, 'Number of coordinate axes')
header['CRPIX1'] = 438.5
header['CRPIX2'] = 450.5
header['PC1_1'] = (-0.0333333333333, 'Coordinate transformation matrix element')
header['PC2_2'] = (0.0333333333333, 'Coordinate transformation matrix element')
header['CDELT1'] = (1., '[deg] Coordinate increment at reference point')
header['CDELT2'] = (1., '[deg] Coordinate increment at reference point')
header['CUNIT1'] = ('deg ', 'Units of coordinate increment and value')
header['CUNIT2'] = ('deg ', 'Units of coordinate increment and value')
header['CTYPE1'] = 'GLON-AIT'
header['CTYPE2'] = 'GLAT-AIT'
header['CRVAL1'] = (0., '[deg] Coordinate value at reference point')
header['CRVAL2'] = (0., '[deg] Coordinate value at reference point')
header['LONPOLE'] = (0., '[deg] Native longitude of celestial pole')
header['LATPOLE'] = (90., '[deg] Native latitude of celestial pole')
header['RADESYS'] = ('ICRS ', 'Equatorial coordinate system')
fits.writeto('w1_resampled.fits', header, overwrite=True)
fits.writeto('w2_resampled.fits', header, overwrite=True)
The first 5 comments list the working functions in the program, it's just the header that I'm having difficulty with. When I open the w1_resampled.fits
in DS9, the header contains
SIMPLE = T / conforms to FITS standard
BITPIX = -32 / array data type
NAXIS = 2 / number of array dimensions
NAXIS1 = 877
NAXIS2 = 901
instead of the data copied from xbulge-w1.fits
How can I copy the data from one header to the other?
Oh, I see. I was overcomplicating it. Here's all I needed to do:
# Edit FITS headers to recenter images at galactic center
w1_resampled_header = w1header
w2_resampled_header = w2header
w1_resampled_header['CRPIX1'] = w1header['CRPIX1']
w1_resampled_header['CRPIX2'] = w1header['CRPIX2']
w2_resampled_header['CRPIX1'] = w2header['CRPIX1']
w2_resampled_header['CRPIX2'] = w2header['CRPIX2']
# Save as FITS files and close
overwrite = True)
overwrite = True)