I have this method:
module ApplicationHelper
class AtualizarBanco
require 'open-uri'
require 'nokogiri'
require 'net/http'
def updatetable
retorno = Net::HTTP.get_response(URI.parse('http://www.olx.com.br/loja/id/174483'))
if retorno.code == "200"
site = open ('http://www.olx.com.br/loja/id/174483')
site_lido = site.read
site_html = Nokogiri::HTML(site_lido)
vetor_preco = site_html.at_css('#main-ad-list').css('.item').css('.OLXad-list-price').map{|q| q.text.sub!(" R$ ", "").sub!(".", "").to_f}
vetor_texto = site_html.at_css('#main-ad-list').css('.item').css('.OLXad-list-title').map{|lista| lista.text.strip}
vetor_catg = site_html.css('#main-ad-list .OLXad-list-line-2').xpath('p[@class="text detail-category"]').map{|q| q.children.first.text.strip}
vetor_img = site_html.css('#main-ad-list .OLXad-list-image-box').xpath('span|img[@class="image"]/@src|img[@class="image lazy"]/@data-original').map(&:text)
i = 0
if ((vetor_preco.length == vetor_texto.length) && (vetor_preco.length == vetor_catg.length) && (vetor_preco.length == vetor_img.length))
while i < vetor_preco.length
@prod = Produto.new(nm_produto: vetor_texto[i], preco: vetor_preco[i], categoria: vetor_catg[i], img_produto: vetor_img[i])
i += 1
if (@prod.valid?)
And I want to execute this method everyday at 5:30 am GMT.
I did some searching, and I found out about the Delayed Job gem and the Cron scheduler, but it wasn't clear to me how I use them to do what I need.
Delayed Job works well on Rails ? on the documentation it talks about versions 3.0+ and 4.2, it wasn't clear to me if it is "4.2 and above" or just 4.2.
I also don't know if I call the Delayed Job gem with just gem 'delayed-job' or if I need to use gem 'delayed_job_active_record', or if I need to change the config.active_job.queue_adapter.
On the documentation, it also doesn't say if the :run_at parameter accept specific time commands, in the examples it has only things like "5 minuts from now" or "2 hours from now".
Any help ?
You can use gem whenever, replace your method from application_helper to rake task updatetable.rake
And your schedule will be as
every 1.day, at: '5:30 am' do
rake 'atualizar_banco:updatetable'