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C++ operator lookup rules / Koenig lookup

While writing a test suite, I needed to provide an implementation of operator<<(std::ostream&... for Boost unit test to use.

This worked:

namespace theseus { namespace core {
    std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& ss, const PixelRGB& p) {
        return (ss << "PixelRGB(" << (int)p.r << "," << (int)p.g << "," << (int)p.b << ")");

This didn't:

std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& ss, const theseus::core::PixelRGB& p) {
    return (ss << "PixelRGB(" << (int)p.r << "," << (int)p.g << "," << (int)p.b << ")");

Apparently, the second wasn't included in the candidate matches when g++ tried to resolve the use of the operator. Why (what rule causes this)?

The code calling operator<< is deep within the Boost unit test framework, but here's the test code:


BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(test_output) {
    using namespace theseus::core;
    BOOST_TEST_MESSAGE(PixelRGB(5,5,5)); // only compiles with operator<< definition inside theseus::core
    std::cout << PixelRGB(5,5,5) << "\n"; // works with either definition
    BOOST_CHECK(true); // prevent no-assertion error


For reference, I'm using g++ 4.4 (though for the moment I'm assuming this behaviour is standards-conformant).


  • In argument dependent lookup (the correct name for koenig lookup) the compiler adds to the overloaded function set the functions which are declared in the namespaces of each parameter.

    In your case, the first operator<< is declared in the namespace thesus::core, which is the type of the argument you call the operator with. Therefore this operator<< is considered for ADL because it's declared in an associated namespace

    In the second case, the operator<< seems to be declared in the global namespace which is not an associated namespace as parameter one is of type from namespace std and param 2 is of type from namespace theseus::core.

    Actually, probably your 2nd operator<< isn't declared in global namespace as that would be found through looking in parent scopes.. maybe you've got something more like this? If you can post more code we can give a better answer.

    Ok I remembered, ADL doesn't lookup in parent scopes when it finds a name in the current scope. So the boost macro BOOST_TEST_MESSAGE expands to include an operator<< and there is some in the scope tree a non-viable operator<< between the expression and global scope. I updated code to illustrate this (hopefully).

    #include <iostream>
    namespace NS1
      class A
      // this is found by expr in NS2 because of ADL
      std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream &, NS1::A &);
    // this is not seen because lookup for the expression in NS2::foo stops when it finds the operator<< in NS2
    std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream &, NS1::A &);
    namespace NS2
        class B
        // if you comment this out lookup will look in the parent scope
        std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream &, B &);
        void foo(NS1::A &a)
            std::cout << a;