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Is it possible to draw lines with arrowheads in a Folium map?

I am running Folium 0.2.1' with Python 2.7.11 on Jupyter Notebook Server 4.2.1

I am trying to plot lines on a map, which have a arrowhead to convey direction

import folium

#DFW, LGA coordinates
coordinates=[(32.900908, -97.040335),(40.768571, -73.861603)]

m = folium.Map(location=[32.900908, -97.040335], zoom_start=4)

#line going from dfw to lga
aline=folium.PolyLine(locations=coordinates,weight=2,color = 'blue')

enter image description here Is there a way to add an arrowhead to the line?


  • You could use a regular polygon marker to draw a triangle at the end point...

    folium.RegularPolygonMarker(location=(32.900908, -97.040335), fill_color='blue', number_of_sides=3, radius=10, rotation=???).add_to(m)

    You'll have to use some trigonometry to calculate the angle of rotation for the triangle to point in the correct direction. The initial point of any such marker points due east.