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Right way of browsing Instagram API result array of images with foreach

I've been recently building a plugin for wordpress which basically uses the instagram API to get an image URL and then place it in a short code.

And I've come to a problem.

I get this error:

E_WARNING : type 2 -- Invalid argument supplied for foreach() -- at line 22

and I have no idea what am I doing wrong.

My code for the foreach:

//define Access token
//image count to get
//get api contents
$content = file_get_contents(''.$accesst.'&count='.$count);
//converting JSON to object
$standardres = json_decode($content, true);
//array method
foreach($standardres['data'][0]['images']['standard_resolution']['url'] as $photo)
    print $photo['url'][0];
    echo "<br>";

My JSON var_dump got me this:

The access codes, were of course deleted before posting this.

Does anyone have a clue what I'm doing wrong?

EDIT: Thanks, everyone, got it figured out in the comments.


  • Your $standardres['data'] have items which have images, so you must use $standardres['data'] in the foreach loop and then parse the image url from the item data.

    foreach($standardres['data'] as $item) {
        print $item['images']['standard_resolution']['url'];
        echo "<br>";