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Qml images and memory releasing

I noticed that memory allocated for Image is not released.

Without launched app the system has the following memory values: 423MiB / 1985MiB (checked via nvidia-smi)

When I am launching app and clicking (changing Image source) several times the memory using is increasing (1 click adds 4-5MB): 1950MiB / 1985MiB

Setting "cache" property to false does not help.

I found workaround: change image visibility but in this case a lot Image items are needed.

Does a solution exist to use "source" property not "visible"?

qml source:

Image {
    id: trg
    anchors.fill: parent
    cache: false

    states: [
        State {
            name: "on"
            PropertyChanges {
                target: trg
                source: "qrc:/1.png"
        State {
            name: "off"
            PropertyChanges {
                target: trg
                source: "qrc:/2.png"

MouseArea {
    property bool isOn: false
    anchors.fill: parent

    onClicked: {
        if (isOn) {
            trg.state = "on";
        else {
            trg.state = "off";
        isOn = !isOn;


  • Unfortunately, it was a bug (QTBUG-61754 and a few more) which has already been fixed in the qt 5.9.2 snapshot (I used to use 5.9.1 version).