I have created Facebook Messenger bots to answer to people talking to my Facebook Pages with a wrapper of Microsoft Bot Framework.
When a human talk to my bot it has a recipient address (composed of multiple fields) used to reply.
Now I'd like my bot to talk to other Facebook page (like a human using a Messenger client)
(May be the answer is to use an implementation of a Messenger Client in NodeJS ?)
For Facebook Messenger:
User "chat address", that is to say "Id" property of your Recipient, depends on every bot and cannot be guessed (it is a Page Scoped ID), you have to talk to the bot first. It's a question of security / anti-spam
Same problem to start a conversation with another page: you cannot guess the ID of the human/bot to which you will be talking to.
So currently it is not possible to do what you are trying to do.
Maybe you should have a look directly to Facebook APIs to see if you can at least do your 2nd point. For the 1st one, I found no way