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Relation between Twitter replies

I have a big problem with the Twitter API. Currently Twitter doesn't support fetching Tweets with their associated replies.

I would like to grap the mentions of the timeline and associate them with their replies.

Until this step everything is fine. Now my problem. I would like to add also the children replies of a reply to get a full relation between the mention and the replies.

Currently I fetch the timeline and split the results into mentions and replies.

public void fetchTwitterTimeline(long sinceId) {
 try {
   Paging timelinePaging = new Paging();

   if (sinceId > 0) {
   LOG.debug("Fetching Twitter Timeline");
   ResponseList<Status> statusResponseList = twitterClient.getMentionsTimeline(timelinePaging);
 } catch(TwitterException e){
   LOG.error("Could not fetch Twitter Timeline: {}", e);

private void assignTwitterStatusResponse(ResponseList<Status> statusResponseList) {
 for (Status status : statusResponseList) {
   if (status.isRetweet()) {

   if (status.getInReplyToStatusId() > 0) {
   } else {


  • So thanks a lot for your response. Now I have a good solution also for those who has the same problems with it.

    public List<Status> fetchTwitterThread(long tweetId) throws TwitterException {
       Paging timelinePaging = new Paging();
       ResponseList<Status> statusResponseList = twitterClient.getMentionsTimeline(timelinePaging);
       List<Status> thread = new ArrayList<>();
       thread.add(getStatusById(tweetId)); // Add root status
       fetchTwitterThread(tweetId, statusResponseList, thread);
       return thread;
    private void fetchTwitterThread(long parentId, ResponseList<Status> statusResponseList, List<Status> thread) {
      for (Status status : statusResponseList) {
        if (status.getInReplyToStatusId() == parentId) {
          fetchTwitterThread(status.getId(), statusResponseList, thread);

    I have two methods. This will be needed if you want to save some API calls. In the first step I fetch the mentionsTimeline and the hometimeline since the requested id. This is necessary for you own tweets and replies.

    After that I've implemented a second method as a recursion. I iterate through the responseList and if one status (inReplyToStatusId) matches with the parentId, I add them to the thread.