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How to see bitrise build result from vsts

So I'm starting a Xamarin IOS build on bitrise on every pull request made to my branch, but I want to be able to get status on that build and display it in Visual Studio Team Services.

How do I do that ? Is it even possible?


    • If the project you build on bitrise is not located on VSTS git repo, it can’t be displayed in VSTS.
    • If the project you build on bitrise is located on VSTS git repo, you can use web hook to trigger bitrise build when pull request is made, and view the build result on VSTS. Detail steps as below:

      1. Get webhook URL

      Bitrise app page -> Code tab -> select visual studio online for webhooks -> copy the webhook URL. enter image description here

      2. Add a web hook in VSTS

      In VSTS team project -> Service Hooks tab -> create a new subscription -> select web Hooks -> Next -> select Pull request created for this type of event -> specify repo and target branch -> Next -> paste the webhook URL as URL -> Test -> make sure it can work -> Finish.

      3. View bitrise build reults

      In VSTS Service Hooks page, you can view the build status directly. enter image description here

      To view the details, you can check in History.

      enter image description here