I want to import an image to Google Slides over Google Apps Script after the instruction Google Developers - How to...
function createImage(presentationId) {
// Add a new image to the presentation page. The image is assumed to exist in
// the user's Drive, and have 'imageFileId' as its file ID.
var requests = [];
var pageId = 'g1fe0c....';
var imageId = 'MyImage_01';
var imageUrl = DriveApp.getFileById('0B6cQESmLJfX...').getUrl();
var emu4M = {
magnitude: 4000000,
unit: 'EMU'
createImage: {
objectId: imageId,
url: imageUrl,
elementProperties: {
pageObjectId: pageId,
size: {
height: emu4M,
width: emu4M
transform: {
scaleX: 1,
scaleY: 1,
translateX: 100000,
translateY: 100000,
unit: 'EMU'
// Execute the request.
var response = Slides.Presentations.batchUpdate({
requests: requests
}, presentationId);
But for every image-format I tried, there is an error message in Google Apps Script:
Invalid requests[0].createImage: The provided image is in an unsupported format.
Drive- and Slides API is activated in Google Advanced Services. The folder and the file has a public share.
Does anyone use the command DriveApp.getFileById() with subsequent export to Google Slides successfully?
How about a following modification?
var imageUrl = DriveApp.getFileById('0B6cQESmLJfX...').getUrl();
var imageUrl = DriveApp.getFileById('0B6cQESmLJfX...').getDownloadUrl() + "&access_token=" + ScriptApp.getOAuthToken();
From this document, it seemed that the access token is required. https://developers.google.com/slides/how-tos/add-image
From January, 2020, the access token cannot be used with the query parameter like access_token=###
. Ref So please use the access token to the request header instead of the query parameter.
In OP's case, I think that this answer can be used.