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How to set the text color of TextView in code?

In XML, we can set a text color by the textColor attribute, like android:textColor="#FF0000". But how do I change it by coding?

I tried something like:


Where holder is just a class and text is of type TextView. Red is an RGB value (#FF0000) set in strings.

But it shows a different color rather than red. What kind of parameter can we pass in setTextColor()? In documentation, it says int, but is it a resource reference value or anything else?


  • You should use:


    You can use various functions from the Color class to get the same effect of course.

    • Color.parseColor (Manual) (like LEX uses)

    • Color.rgb and Color.argb (Manual rgb) (Manual argb) (like Ganapathy uses)

    • And of course, if you want to define your color in an XML file, you can do this:

      <color name="errorColor">#f00</color>

      because the getColor() function is deprecated1, you need to use it like so:

      ContextCompat.getColor(context, R.color.your_color);
    • You can also insert plain HEX, like so:


      Where you have an alpha-channel first, then the color value.

    Check out the complete manual of course, public class Color extends Object.

    1This code used to be in here as well:


    This method is now deprecated in Android M. You can however use it from the contextCompat in the support library, as the example now shows.