I know that question has already been asked a few times (like here, here or there, or even on Github, but none of the answers actually worked for me...
I am trying to develop authentication for a NodeJS app using Mongoose and Passport, and using Bcrypt-NodeJS to hash the users' passwords.
Everything was working without any problem before I decided to refactor the User schema and to use the async methods of bcrypt. The hashing still works while creating a new user but I am now unable to verify a password against its hash stored in MongoDB.
always returns false
whatever the password is correct or not, and whatever the password (I tried several strings).Some fields have been stripped to keep it clear, but I kept the relevant parts.
var userSchema = mongoose.Schema({
// Local authentication
password: {
hash: {
type: String,
select: false
modified: {
type: Date,
default: Date.now
// User data
profile: {
email: {
type: String,
required: true,
unique: true
// Dates
lastSignedIn: {
type: Date,
default: Date.now
userSchema.statics.hashPassword = function(password, callback) {
bcrypt.hash(password, bcrypt.genSaltSync(12), null, function(err, hash) {
if (err) return callback(err);
callback(null, hash);
userSchema.methods.comparePassword = function(password, callback) {
// Here, `password` is the string entered in the login form
// and `this.password.hash` is the hash stored in the database
// No problem so far
bcrypt.compare(password, this.password.hash, function(err, match) {
// Here, `err == null` and `match == false` whatever the password
if (err) return callback(err);
callback(null, match);
userSchema.statics.authenticate = function(email, password, callback) {
this.findOne({ 'profile.email': email })
.exec(function(err, user) {
if (err) return callback(err);
if (!user) return callback(null, false);
user.comparePassword(password, function(err, match) {
// Here, `err == null` and `match == false`
if (err) return callback(err);
if (!match) return callback(null, false);
// Update the user
user.lastSignedIn = Date.now();
user.save(function(err) {
if (err) return callback(err);
user.password.hash = undefined;
callback(null, user);
It may be a "simple" mistake I made but I wasn't able to find anything wrong in a few hours... May you have any idea to make that method work, I would be glad to read it.
Thank you guys.
When running this bit of code, match is actually equal to true
. So I know my methods are correct. I suspect this has something to do with the storage of the hash in the database, but I really have no idea of what can cause this error to occur.
var pwd = 'TestingPwd01!';
mongoose.model('User').hashPassword(pwd, function(err, hash) {
console.log('Password: ' + pwd);
console.log('Hash: ' + hash);
user.password.hash = hash;
user.comparePassword(pwd, function(err, match) {
console.log('Match: ' + match);
I put it there in case it could be helpful to someone one day...
I found the error in my code, which was occurring during the user's registration (and actually the only piece of code I didn't post here). I was hashing the user.password
object instead of user.password.plaintext
It's only by changing my dependencies from "brcypt-nodejs" to "bcryptjs" that I was able to find the error because bcryptjs throws an error when asked to hash an object, while brcypt-nodejs just hashes the object as if it were a string.
bcrypt.hash() has 3 arguments... you have 4 for some reason.
Instead of
bcrypt.hash(password, bcrypt.genSaltSync(12), null, function(err, hash) {
it should be
bcrypt.hash(password, bcrypt.genSaltSync(12), function(err, hash) {
Since you were hashing only during user creation, then you might not have been hashing properly. You may need to re-create the users.