I have a functor to make a Heap module from a Comparable module, and a polymorphic function to apply Prim's algorithm to graphs with arbitrary labels. Ideally I'd like to be able to write something like:
let prim (graph: 'a graph)=
let module EdgeHeap=Heap.Make(
type t='a edge
) in
let heap=EdgeHeap.create () in
but ocamlc says that 'a is unbound. How do I work around this?
Normally, you'd have prim
(along with related functions) in a functor of its own that is parameterized over a graph module signature. I.e. something like:
module type GraphSpec = sig
type t
module GraphAlgorithms(G: GraphSpec) = struct
type graph = ...
module EdgeHeap = Heap.Make(struct
type t = G.t edge
let prim (g: graph) = ...
let kruskal (g: graph) = ...
This avoids the use of type variables; instead, you pass the type through the GraphSpec
functor argument.
But if you just need it for a single function, this may be overkill. You can work around it then by using locally abstract types. A simple example to illustrate how that works:
let min_list (type u) (l: u list) =
let module S = Set.Make(struct
type t = u
let compare = compare
end) in
S.of_list l |> S.min_elt