I am trying to add a Skeleton-templated view to a recent Vapor 2 app that, so far, only produces JSON output with a MySQL database. If I use the following minimal code:
{ req in
let params = try Node(node: [ "name": "nick"])
return try self.view.make("index",Node(node:params))
The file index.leaf
exists in the Resources/Views
folder and the documentation suggests that omitting the .leaf
suffix is fine, but doing so gets:
[Data File Error: unable to load file at path /Users/test/Library/Mobile Documents/com~apple~CloudDocs/Apps/Vapor/testServer/Resources/Views/index]
However, if I put the suffix in explicitly, self.view.make("index.leaf",Node(node:params))
, the contents of the file are output without being rendered:
#extend("base") #export("body") {#(name)}
I have tried putting the code directly into Main.swift and that makes no difference and putting it into a handler. I've also tried creating a new Vapor 2 project from scratch (using a fresh install of vapor) and it behaves the same. It seems odd that something so fundamental doesn't work out of the box.
It turns out that although the default renderer for Droplet is 'leaf', the default setting in Config is 'static'. Putting:
"view": "leaf"
into Config/drop.json
fixed the problem.