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USE Raw SQL in Django

I recently migrated from PHP to django. I am creating a project which works on django.. I am used to write custom sql in php and hence i want to use raw() to filter results from my database in django.

However i am not able to fully understand how django works..

Please find my code below.

Currently i am receiving the below mentioned output

[('11677795635',), ('12345',)] 

I want to use some for loop and print results in the below mentioned format.

  • 11677795635
  • 12345
  • can you please help me on how to for loop in django ..

    In PHP,
    the same was possible by

    $query=mysql_query("SELECT  abcdashboard_customerinfo.customerbuyingid FROM abcdashboard_customerinfo WHERE abcdashboard_customerinfo.customerbuyingid in (select DISTINCT abcdashboard_orders.customerid from abcdashboard_orders)");
    for ($f=0; $f <$queryrun; $f++)
           ${'customer'.$f}=mysql_result($query,$f, 'customerbuyingid');
           echo ${'customer'.$f};

    class customerinfo(models.Model):
        customerbuyingid = models.CharField(max_length=300, default='invalid customer id in database')
        customername = models.CharField(max_length=300, default='invalid customer name in database')
        customerphonenumber = models.CharField(max_length=12, default='0000000000')
        customermailid= models.CharField(max_length=80, default='[email protected]')
    class orders(models.Model):
        orderid = models.CharField(max_length=200)
        orderstatus = models.CharField(max_length=10)
        externalpurchaseid = models.CharField(max_length=100)
        externalstatus = models.CharField(max_length=100)
        customerid = models.CharField(max_length=100)
        ops = models.CharField(max_length=100)
        orderdate = models.DateField()
        updatedon = models.DateTimeField(

    def index(request):
        all_customer = customerinfo.objects.all()
        cursor = connection.cursor()
        cursor.execute('''SELECT abcdashboard_customerinfo.customerbuyingid FROM abcdashboard_customerinfo WHERE abcdashboard_customerinfo.customerbuyingid in (select DISTINCT abcdashboard_orders.customerid from abcdashboard_orders) ''')
        row = cursor.fetchall()
        print (row)  
        context = {"row": row}
        return render(request, "abcdashboard/index.html", context)


    <h2 align="center"> SQL Queries display </align> </h2>
    {% block content %}
    {{ row }}
    {% endblock %}


  • Just replace:


    row = cursor.fetchall()
    print (row)  
    context = {"row": row}


    ids = []
    for row in cursor.fetchall():
        id = row[0]
    context = {'rows': ids}

    in index.html:

    {{ row }}


    {% for id in rows %}
    {{ id }}
    {% endfor %}