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In chainer, how to early stop iteration using

I am using chainer framework(Deep learning), suppose I have to stop iteration once two iteration's target function value's gap is little: f - old_f < eps. but's stop_trigger is (args.epoch, 'epoch') tuple. how to trigger early stop?


  • I implemented EarlyStoppingTrigger example according to @Seiya Tokui's answer, based on your situation.

    from chainer import reporter
    from import util
    class EarlyStoppingTrigger(object):
    """Early stopping trigger
    It observes the value specified by `key`, and invoke a trigger only when 
    observing value satisfies the `stop_condition`.
    The trigger may be used to `stop_trigger` option of Trainer module for
    early stopping the training.
        max_epoch (int or float): Max epoch for the training, even if the value 
            is not reached to the condition specified by `stop_condition`,
            finish the training if it reaches to `max_epoch` epoch.
        key (str): Key of value to be observe for `stop_condition`.
        stop_condition (callable): To check the previous value and current value
            to decide early stop timing. Default value is `None`, in that case
            internal `_stop_condition` method is used.
        eps (float): It is used by the internal `_stop_condition`.
        trigger: Trigger that decides the comparison interval between previous
            best value and current value. This must be a tuple in the form of
            ``<int>, 'epoch'`` or ``<int>, 'iteration'`` which is passed to
    def __init__(self, max_epoch, key, stop_condition=None, eps=0.01,
                 trigger=(1, 'epoch')):
        self.max_epoch = max_epoch
        self.eps = eps
        self._key = key
        self._current_value = None
        self._interval_trigger = util.get_trigger(trigger)
        self.stop_condition = stop_condition or self._stop_condition
    def __call__(self, trainer):
        """Decides whether the extension should be called on this iteration.
            trainer ( Trainer object that this
                trigger is associated with. The ``observation`` of this trainer
                is used to determine if the trigger should fire.
            bool: ``True`` if the corresponding extension should be invoked in
                this iteration.
        epoch_detail = trainer.updater.epoch_detail
        if self.max_epoch <= epoch_detail:
            print('Reached to max_epoch.')
            return True
        observation = trainer.observation
        summary = self._summary
        key = self._key
        if key in observation:
            summary.add({key: observation[key]})
        if not self._interval_trigger(trainer):
            return False
        stats = summary.compute_mean()
        value = float(stats[key])  # copy to CPU
        if self._current_value is None:
            self._current_value = value
            return False
            if self.stop_condition(self._current_value, value):
                # print('Previous value {}, Current value {}'
                #       .format(self._current_value, value))
                print('Invoke EarlyStoppingTrigger...')
                self._current_value = value
                return True
                self._current_value = value
                return False
    def _init_summary(self):
        self._summary = reporter.DictSummary()
    def _stop_condition(self, current_value, new_value):
        return current_value - new_value < self.eps

    Usage: You can pass it to the stop_trigger option of trainer,

    early_stop = EarlyStoppingTrigger(args.epoch, key='validation/main/loss', eps=0.01)
    trainer = training.Trainer(updater, stop_trigger=early_stop, out=args.out)

    See the this gist for whole working example code.

    [Note] I noticed that we also need to fix ProgressBar extension to pass training_length explicitly, if we use customized stop_trigger.