I'm a little confused how the first shellcode example works. I've run it through GDB and I have verified it is correct, but I'm not sure how it ends up working in the first place. Here is what the code looks like:
char shellcode[] =
int main()
int *ret;
ret = (int *)&ret + 2;
(*ret) = (int)shellcode;
return 0;
(I actually have replaced the shellcode which initially spawns a shell to one that prints "Hello world", but that shouldn't make much of a difference.)
How can ret
work if its only an integer pointer, something that should only be 4 bytes long? The shellcode itself is roughly 40 bytes long! If anything, all ret
should retreive is the first 4 bytes of the shellcode, not execute the whole thing!
Can someone please explain to me how this works?
It's compiler-dependent (and chip-dependent), but I think what is happening is that it is relying on the fact that at the location on the stack 2 int's up from where your automatic variables start is the return address you should jump back to when returning from the process. It's replacing that address with the address of the shellcode[] array, so when main() returns, it will execute the instructions there.