I have a panel data set with an id, date, and multiple variables. I'm trying to get the skewness and std dev of "var1" listed by id for a certain date range. I know those items are in the summary detail for "var1", but can't seem to find a way to get it listed by id for my specified date range. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Here is an example that may start you on your path.
. webuse pig
(Longitudinal analysis of pig weights)
. xtset id week
panel variable: id (strongly balanced)
time variable: week, 1 to 9
delta: 1 unit
. bysort id: egen sk = skew(weight) if inrange(week,3,8)
(144 missing values generated)
. list if id==1, clean
id week weight sk
1. 1 1 24 .
2. 1 2 32 .
3. 1 3 39 .0709604
4. 1 4 42.5 .0709604
5. 1 5 48 .0709604
6. 1 6 54.5 .0709604
7. 1 7 61 .0709604
8. 1 8 65 .0709604
9. 1 9 72 .