I am new in background tasks. I have a small work that I am fetching tweets and If my app is in background mode then also it should fetch tweets, but I don't know how.
I am using simply Timer in Appdelegate didFinishLaunchOption Method. When I will close the app then it's not working. I am new in that so please any suggestion. Here below is my code:
Timer.scheduledTimer(timeInterval: 10, target: self, selector: #selector(getTweets), userInfo: nil, repeats: true).
func getTweets() {
let locationName = Helper.sharedInstance.userDefault.value(forKey: ModelKey.currentLocation) as? String
let accessToken = Helper.sharedInstance.userDefault.value(forKey: ModelKey.twitterAccessToken) as? String
if (locationName == "Bengaluru" && nil != accessToken) || (locationName == "Bangalore" && nil != accessToken){
tweetModel.getTweets(accessToken: accessToken!, city: ModelKey.blrcitytraffic, cityName: "Bengaluru")
Text to speech is also there but when I will close the app then it stops speaking. If I am not using app then also it can fetch tweets and text to speech should work using a background mode. How long does that work?
You need to do three things:
In your Info.plist add the following entry for key Required background modes
to allow background network access:
Required background modes:
App downloads content from the network
In your AppDelegate add to your applicationDidEnterBackground():
func applicationDidEnterBackground(_ application: UIApplication) {
// Fetch no sooner than every (60) seconds which is thrillingly short actually.
// Defaults to Infinite if not set.
UIApplication.shared.setMinimumBackgroundFetchInterval( 60 ) )
Also in AppDelegate implement
func application(application: UIApplication, performFetchWithCompletionHandler completionHandler: (UIBackgroundFetchResult) -> Void) {
var fetchResult: UIBackgroundFetchResult!
if doingYourStuffActuallyCreatesNetworkTraffic() {
fetchResult = UIBackgroundFetchResult.newData
} else if thereWasAnError() {
fetchResult = UIBackgroundFetchResult.failed
} else {
fetchResult = UIBackgroundFetchResult.noData
completionHandler( fetchResult )
There are still some pitfalls, e.g. there is no guaranteed maximum fetch interval, and background execution might behave substantially different in XCode/Simulator than on real devices.
You could take a look at this pretty similiar topic: