I was doing stereo camera calibration using Python 2.7 and OpenCV 3.3. The code I used is (I got it from Stereo Calibration Opencv Python and Disparity Map):
import numpy as np
import cv2
import glob
# termination criteria
criteria = (cv2.TERM_CRITERIA_EPS + cv2.TERM_CRITERIA_MAX_ITER, 30, 0.001)
# prepare object points, like (0,0,0), (1,0,0), (2,0,0) ....,(6,5,0)
objp = np.zeros((6*7,3), np.float32)
objp[:,:2] = np.mgrid[0:7,0:6].T.reshape(-1,2)
# Arrays to store object points and image points from all the images.
objpointsL = [] # 3d point in real world space
imgpointsL = [] # 2d points in image plane.
objpointsR = []
imgpointsR = []
images = glob.glob('left*.jpg')
for fname in images:
img = cv2.imread(fname)
grayL = cv2.cvtColor(img,cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
# Find the chess board corners
ret, cornersL = cv2.findChessboardCorners(grayL, (7,6),None)
# If found, add object points, image points (after refining them)
if ret == True:
images = glob.glob('right*.jpg')
for fname in images:
img = cv2.imread(fname)
grayR = cv2.cvtColor(img,cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
# Find the chess board corners
ret, cornersR = cv2.findChessboardCorners(grayR, (7,6),None)
# If found, add object points, image points (after refining them)
if ret == True:
retval,cameraMatrix1, distCoeffs1, cameraMatrix2, distCoeffs2, R, T, E, F = cv2.stereoCalibrate(objpointsL, imgpointsL, imgpointsR, (640,480))
But I got error like:
retval,cameraMatrix1, distCoeffs1, cameraMatrix2, distCoeffs2, R, T, E, F = cv2.stereoCalibrate(objpointsL, imgpointsL, imgpointsR, (640,480))
TypeError: Required argument 'distCoeffs1' (pos 5) not found
I have my code, left and rights images in the same folder. I have read other similar answers but they don't get this error. (Stereo Calibration Opencv Python and Disparity Map). I want to know why this error and how to solve this?
Try changing the last lines of your code to
cameraMatrix1 = None
distCoeffs1 = None
cameraMatrix2 = None
distCoeffs2 = None
R = None
T = None
E = None
F = None
retval, cameraMatrix1, distCoeffs1, cameraMatrix2, distCoeffs2, R, T, E, F = cv2.stereoCalibrate(objpointsL, imgpointsL, imgpointsR, (640,480), flags=cv2.cv.CV_CALIB_FIX_INTRINSIC)