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Prolog: Redundant results in clauses involving anonymous variables

Consider the following Prolog program.

a(X) :- b(_), c(X).



Running the query:


in SWI-Prolog, we get three results, all X = 1.

Given that we do not care about the anonymous variable, what is preventing SWI-Prolog to return a single result? Why isn't this optimization performed?



  • Well for Prolog the underscore is simply an anonymous variable. So the a/1 predicate is equivalent to:

    a(X) :-

    Now it may look useless to backtrack over the b(Y) clause, since once it is satisfied, the Y is nowhere used, and thus should not have impact on the rest of the program. Furthermore Y has no effect on X so b(Y) should not have the slightest influence on X.

    In real Prolog however, there are some things that might have impact:

    1. the b/1 predicate might perform I/O. Say that the predicate is implemented as:

      b(a) :-
      b(a) :-

      then it will print a in the first branch and b in the second one.

    2. b/1 might raise an exception in a second, third, ... path. In which case we probably want to handle the error;

    3. b/1 might use asserta/1, assertz/1, etc. and alter the program. It might for instance add facts for c/1 such that in the second run c/1 has other results.

    4. A lot of Prolog interpreters have a non-backtrackable store such that the different backtracking paths, can share information with each other.

    5. other coding facilities such that the outcome of b/1 might have impact on c/1.

    You can avoid this backtracking over b/1 by using the once/1 meta-predicate. For instance:

    a(X) :-