I'm trying to use pyqtgraph to plot multiply items, but unfortunately when I try to add TextItem to a Viewbox, it shows only for a couple sec, than it disappeare. Anyone has an idea, how fix the TextItem permanently?
I realized, that if I move the item in the box it won't disappeare but for me it isn't a good solution :(.
Any useful help appreciated! Thanks!
Here is my code:
import PyQt5
from PyQt5 import *
from PyQt5.QtGui import QFont
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QApplication
import pyqtgraph as pg
app = QApplication([])
win = pg.GraphicsWindow()
win.setWindowTitle('Senzor data:')
win.setGeometry(2, 50, 1916, 1005)
win_border = pg.mkPen({'color': "040", 'width': 3}) #m, y, k, w
Layout_border = pg.mkPen({'color': "0DE", 'width': 1})
Layout = win.addLayout(border=Layout_border)
Layout.addLabel("<b>pulse number", row=0, col=1, rowspan=1, colspan=4)
Layout.addLabel('pulse', angle=-90, row=1, col=0, rowspan=4, colspan=1)
View5 = Layout.addViewBox(row=1, col=1, rowspan=4, colspan=4)
pp = pg.TextItem("place of the pulse counter", color=(200, 200, 200), border='c', fill='b', anchor=(0.5, 0.5))
pp.setFont(QFont("", 50, QFont.Bold))
By analyzing what the viewRange()
method returns from the ViewBox
, it is modified until [0,0,0,0]
is generated, so that there is no space to draw the TextItem.
A solution is to establish a fixed range with the help of the method setRange()
View5 = Layout.addViewBox(row=1, col=1, rowspan=4, colspan=4)
View5.setRange(QRectF(-50, -50, 100, 100))
Another possible solution is to use the autoRange()
method to auto scale and place the TextItem
in the center position, ie 0.5, 0.5
View5 = Layout.addViewBox(row=1, col=1, rowspan=4, colspan=4)
pp = pg.TextItem("place of the pulse counter", color=(200, 200, 200), border='c', fill='b', anchor=(0.5, 0.5))
pp.setFont(QFont("", 50, QFont.Bold))
pp.setPos(.5, .5)