I am trying to get dagger working in my application. After creating Module Component and MyApp i can use dagger to inject database service into view but i am having trouble doing same thing with presenter. Code:
class MyApp : Application() {
var daoComponent: DaoComponent? = null
private set
override fun onCreate() {
daoComponent = DaggerDaoComponent.builder()
.appModule(AppModule(this)) // This also corresponds to the name of your module: %component_name%Module
class DaoModule {
fun providesEstateService(): EstateService = EstateServiceImpl()
@Component(modules = arrayOf(AppModule::class, DaoModule::class))
interface DaoComponent {
fun inject(activity: MainActivity)
class AppModule(internal var mApplication: Application) {
internal fun providesApplication(): Application {
return mApplication
class MainActivity : MvpActivity<MainView, MainPresenter>(), MainView {
lateinit var estateService : EstateService
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
(application as MyApp).daoComponent!!.inject(this)estateService.numberOfInvoicedEstates.toString()
override fun createPresenter(): MainPresenter = MainPresenterImpl()
After injecting estateService this way I can use it, but I cant figure out how do I inject service directly into the presenter. I tried doing it like this but it isn't working. Should I just pass injected objects from the activity? or maybe I should pass MyApp as an argument or make static method allowing my to get it from any place in the application?
class MainPresenterImpl
constructor(): MvpBasePresenter<MainView>(),MainPresenter {
lateinit var estateService : EstateService
Your component should provide the presenter like that:
@Component(modules = arrayOf(AppModule::class, DaoModule::class))
interface MyComponent {
mainPresenter() : MainPresenter
And all dependencies the presenter needs are injected to the presenter via constructor parameters:
class MainPresenterImpl
@Inject constructor(private val estateService : EstateService ) :
MvpBasePresenter<MainView>(),MainPresenter {
Than in createPresenter()
just grab the presenter from dagger component like this:
class MainActivity : MvpActivity<MainView, MainPresenter>(), MainView {
override fun createPresenter(): MainPresenter =
(application as MyApp).myComponent().mainPresenter()
Please note that the code shown above will not compile. This is just pseudocode to give you an idea how the dependency graph could look like in Dagger.