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How to output results to CSV of a concurrent web scraper in Go?

I'm new to Go and am trying to take advantage of the concurrency in Go to build a basic scraper to pull extract title, meta description, and meta keywords from URLs.

I am able to print out the results to terminal with the concurrency but can't figure out how to write output to CSV. I've tried many a variations that I could think of with limited knowledge of Go and many end up breaking the concurrency - so losing my mind a bit.

My code and URL input file is below - Thanks in advance for any tips!

// file name: metascraper.go
package main

import (
    // import standard libraries
    // import third party libraries

func csvParsing() {
    file, err := os.Open("data/sample.csv")
    checkError("Cannot open file ", err)

    if err != nil {
        // err is printable
        // elements passed are separated by space automatically
        fmt.Println("Error:", err)

    // automatically call Close() at the end of current method
    defer file.Close()
    reader := csv.NewReader(file)
    // options are available at:
    reader.Comma = ';'
    lineCount := 0

    fileWrite, err := os.Create("data/result.csv")
    checkError("Cannot create file", err)
    defer fileWrite.Close()

    writer := csv.NewWriter(fileWrite)
    defer writer.Flush()

    for {
        // read just one record
        record, err := reader.Read()
        // end-of-file is fitted into err
        if err == io.EOF {
        } else if err != nil {
            fmt.Println("Error:", err)

        go func(url string) {
            // fmt.Println(msg)
            doc, err := goquery.NewDocument(url)
            if err != nil {
                checkError("No URL", err)

            metaDescription := make(chan string, 1)
            pageTitle := make(chan string, 1)

            go func() {
                // time.Sleep(time.Second * 2)
                // use CSS selector found with the browser inspector
                // for each, use index and item
                pageTitle <- doc.Find("title").Contents().Text()

                doc.Find("meta").Each(func(index int, item *goquery.Selection) {
                    if item.AttrOr("name", "") == "description" {
                        metaDescription <- item.AttrOr("content", "")
            select {
            case res := <-metaDescription:
                resTitle := <-pageTitle

                // Have been trying to output to CSV here but it's not working

                // writer.Write([]string{url, resTitle, res})
                // err := writer.WriteString(`res`)
                // checkError("Cannot write to file", err)

            case <-time.After(time.Second * 2):
                fmt.Println("timeout 2")




func main() {


    //Code is to make sure there is a pause before program finishes so we can see output
    var input string

func checkError(message string, err error) {
    if err != nil {
        log.Fatal(message, err)

The data/sample.csv input file with URLs:


  • In the code you supplied, you had commented the following code:

    // Have been trying to output to CSV here but it's not working
    err = writer.Write([]string{url, resTitle, res})
    checkError("Cannot write to file", err)

    This code is correct, except you have one issue. Earlier in the function, you have the following code:

    fileWrite, err := os.Create("data/result.csv")
    checkError("Cannot create file", err)
    defer fileWrite.Close()

    This code causes the fileWriter to close once your csvParsing() func exits. Because you've closed fileWriter with the defer, you are unable to write to it in your concurrent function.

    Solution: You'll need to use defer fileWrite.Close() inside your concurrent func or something similar so you do not close the fileWriter before you have written to it.