Environment: Python 2.7.10 Django 1.11.3
Problem I need a Taxonomy system instead of just tags. For example:
Looking around I found this post in StackOverflow which led me to this blog post.
Which led me to the following code:
class Taxonomy (TagBase, MP_Node):
node_order_by = ['name']
class TaggedPost (ItemBase):
content_object = models.ForeignKey('Post')
tag = models.ForeignKey('Taxonomy', related_name='tags')
class Post(ItemBase):
tags = TaggableManager(through=TaggedPost, blank=True)
admin.site.register(Taxonomy, TreeAdmin)
Problem is when I go to admin to add the Taxonomies I get the following fields:
The last two are not meant to be input by hand, so says the documentation of tree beard.
Do not change the values of path, depth or numchild directly: use one of the included methods instead. Consider these values read-only.
I went ahead and tried to input them myself, for the curiosity/stupidity, and the tree broke. So I had to use this hack to fix it:
f = Taxonomy.objects.all()
from django.db.models import QuerySet
Kudos to user “jrief” for the hack.
Another problem is the fact I can no longer access my Post model via admin. I get the following error:
FieldDoesNotExist at /admin/main/post Post has no attribute 'content_object'
Keep in mind this is my first Django project and app. Appreciate any ideas you might have or a good django app for taxonomies, or an idea as of how to implement the taxonomies I need.
I ended up using the app Django Category and it's been brilliant. Just follow easy-as-pie instructions (barely any steps!) and everything works as expected.