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Searching for element in array in aurelia view

I am using if.bind to conditionally display elements in a view. In my current case, I have something similar to

  <h2 if.bind="car.model === 'Ferrari' || car.model === 'Ford` || car.model === 'Renault'">
     ${ car.price}

I am looking to shorten the if.bind to something like if.bind="car.model in allModels in order to avoid having many ||

(In PHP there's something like in_array)

What solutions do I have?


  • Adiga's response shows a convenient way to do this if you prefer not to make any changes to your view-model. One alternative you could consider is using a computed property and moving this logic into the view-model instead. You could do this leveraging using the computedFrom decorator:


    import {computedFrom} from 'aurelia-framework'; 
    export class App{
      car = { model : ''};
        this.allModels = ['Ferrari','Ford','Renault'];
      get showCar() {
        return this.allModels.indexOf( > -1;

    Then in your view you could do something like this:


        <h2 if.bind="showCar">

    That way you can clean up the view logic but also avoid dirty checking that would result from needing to watch and re-calculate the showCar property. Functionally the approaches are the same, though this approach may make life easier if you plan to unit test the view-model.