We have a remote MongoDB server and we have mongodump data on a local developer's machine. What is the best way to restore the remote MongoDB server data with the local data? Is there a mongo command that we can use?
Alright so we did this in two steps. I think you can do it in one step, with just mongorestore
First we moved the data from the local machine to the remote machine with the scp
scp <path-to-mongofile> <remote-host>:<absolute-file-path>
then we ssh'd into the remote mongod server, and used mongorestore to restore the db
mongorestore --host=$HOST --port=$PORT -u $ADMIN_USER -p $PSWD --db <your-db> <absolute-path-to-restore-db> --authenticationDatabase "admin"
but I think the first scp
command is redundant. In fact, if you cannot ssh
into the server running mongod
, then you will have to use the mongorestore
command directly from the local developer's machine.