There have been a couple of hints that seem to have gotten me close here, but with some unique issues, I'm hoping this question is distinguishing enough to merit its own posting.
For starters here's what I have. I have an Oracle procedure that returns a standard REF CURSOR
, and this REF CURSOR
is passed back to my application. The REF CURSOR
is a list of lookup IDs.
I then want to take this list and bring it to another data store and use it in a select statement. It will absolutely be possible to accomplish this by looping through the REF CURSOR, but I'm hoping to avoid that. I would much rather be able to write a SELECT...WHERE lookup_id IN result_ref_cursor
First is this possible or should I just try a less than elegant solution? If it is possible, any hints as to where I should get started looking?
I'm relatively new to Oracle, but fairly experienced in RDBMs in general, so feel free to just through some links at me and I can study up. Much appreciated
Why kurosch didn't put his response as an "answer" I'll have no idea.
So, what you do is define a SQL type which describes one row of the output of the ref cursor, and also a SQL type which is a table of the previous. Then, you'll create a pipelined function which returns the rows returned by the ref cursor. This function can then be used in a standard SQL. I'm borrowing from Ask Tom on this one.
create or replace type myLookupId as object ( id int)
create or replace type myLookupIdTable as table of myLookupId
create or replace function f return myLookupIdTable PIPELINED is
l_data myLookupId;
l_id number;
p_cursor := function_returning_ref_cursor();
fetch p_cursor into l_id;
exit when p_cursor%notfound;
l_data := myLookupId( l_id );
pipe row (l_data);
end loop;
And now a sample query...
WHERE lookup_id in (SELECT ID FROM table(f));
Sorry if the code isn't exactly right, I don't have the DB to test right now.